Krunchy Lentil with Apple

Organic crunchy muesli from lentil with apple

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13,82€  per  kg
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 Jeden Monat


Red lentils* 50%, tapioca syrup*, sunflower oil*, chickpea flour*, beet sugar*, puffed amaranth* 3.8%, flaxseed* 3.8%, chia seed* 3.8%, pumpkin seed* 3.3%, dried apple pieces* 2.5%, sea salt, cinnamon*

*from organic farming

Nutritional values/100g

Energy: 1907 kJ (455 kcal)
Fat: 17g
of which saturated fatty acids: 1.8 g
Carbohydrates: 53 g
of which sugar: 9.9 g
Fiber: 11 g
Protein: 17 g
Salt: 0.18g
Iron: 4.9 mg (35%²)
Magnesium: 93.5 mg (25%²)
Zinc: 3.1 mg (31%²)
Manganese: 1 mg (50%²)

² % of the reference quantity

Allergy Advice

May contain traces of gluten, nuts, sesame and milk.

Does the lentil fit into muesli? Definitely! And in the Krunchy? Even more so!

Extraordinary, exciting and something completely new: That's Krunchy Lentil with Apple - a delicious organic crunchy muesli made from red lentils that contains no grains as an ingredient!

Many of our customers were a bit reluctant at first: "Doesn't this taste too much like lentil?" No, it actually doesn't. That's why we keep hearing phrases like "Wow, how delicious is that?" or "My new favorite muesli!" after tasting it. Therefore our tip: Try it and convince yourself!

You'll be amazed at how great the lentil does in Krunchy. So delicious and crunchy, that you won't miss the oats. And the crispy apple chips round off the taste of the lentil Krunchy perfectly with their fine fruity acidity.

Attractive ingredient list. Valuable plantbased proteins. Rich in fiber, iron and manganese. Source of protein, iron and zinc. Reduced sugar content¹. Vegan.


Krunchy Lentil is "Bestes Bio 2024"!

Krunchy Lentil with Apple was able to impress the critical customer jury in the Schrot&Korn product test and can therefore now adorn itself with the "Bestes Bio 2024" label. In the category "muesli", our organic crunchy muesli even received a "very good" rating, which we are really proud of.

Label "Bestes Bio 2024"

We Barnies are delighted. The award confirms the quality of our daily work and motivates us to continue baking for you with great pleasure.

"Bestes Bio" is a product test by bio verlag (Schrot&Korn), in which organic products are critically tested by consumers at home in their everyday lives. In addition to taste, criteria such as composition and mouthfeel are also decisive. The detailed assessment using an online questionnaire is carried out by a jury of over 100 organic-loving customers who are selected according to strict criteria.
You can find more information about the Best Organic Award at

And because we enjoyed reading the great jury feedback so much, we would like to show you some of them:

"The Lentil Krunchy from Barnhouse is a real revelation! The taste is great, the cinnamon is not too dominant and leaves room for the fruity apple. All in all, the muesli is 100% balanced in taste. [...] An all-round successful product that I have already recommended several times."

"It has a pleasant fruity sweetness and is not too sweet. Making the muesli from red lentils is a great idea for the protein balance and something different."

"The muesli was very tasty, crunchy and full of energy. It kept you full for a long time."

"This muesli really is an innovation."


¹30% less sugar than other crunchy mueslis


Organic inspection body: DE-ÖKO-007

Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple
Krunchy Lentil with Apple

Your Krunchy in 60 seconds

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Tim Seidel
Sehr lecker, werden wir wieder kaufen

Crunchy Linse ist unser neuer Favorit

Patricia und Svend-Arne Fries
Perfekter Krunch

Das Müsli klang in meinen Ohren sehr interessant, also wanderte es in den Einkaufswagen. Zu meiner Überraschung ist es sogar vegan. Ohne Erwartungen am nächsten Tag mit Kokosjoghurt angerührt und seit dem hin und weg gewesen. Das ist das beste Müsli, dass ich bislang gegessen habe. Der Krunch ist sensationell! Das ist ab jetzt Dauergast.

Positiv überrascht

Ich war anfangs echt skeptisch, wie ein Müsli aus Linsen schmecken sollte...Aber ich bin sehr froh, dass ich es probiert habe und tatsächlich mein neues Lieblingsmüsli gefunden habe. :)
Die Kombination zwischen Linse und Apfel schmeckt einfach unglaublich!

Weltbeste Müsli

Ich hatte das Glück, diese Linsenmüsli als Produkttester zu probieren. Es war mit Abstand das allerbeste Müsli, das ich je gegessen habe! Super lecker, ob mit Milch, Joghurt oder aber als Snack zwischendurch, es schmeckt so gu, man kann einfach nicht aufhören zu essen😀